(Group members are denoted as bold)

To be submitted, submitted, in review, in revision, and/or accepted

  • Mariscal, N., L. Emmons, D. S. Jo, Y. Xiong, J. Chai, and Y. Huang, Evaluation of ozone and its precursors using the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols Version 0 (MUSICAv0) during the Michigan-Ontario Ozone Source Experiment (MOOSE), submitted, 2025.

  • Wang, L., J. Chai, B. Gaubert, and Y. Huang, A review of measurements and model simulations of atmospheric nitrous acid, Atmospheric Environment, accepted, 2025.

  • Partha, D., Y. Xiong, N. Prime, S. J. Smith, and Y. Huang, Long-term impacts of global solid biofuel emissions on ambient air quality and human health for 2000-2019, GeoHealth, accepted, 2025.

  • Salah, H., Y. Xiong, D. Partha, N. Mariscal, L. Wang, S. Tilmes, W. Tang and Y. Huang, Impact of anthropogenic emission estimates on air quality and human health effects, in revision, 2025.

  • Tang, W., L.K. Emmons, C. Wiedinmyer, D. Partha, Y. Huang, C. He, J. Zhang, K.C. Barsanti, B. Gaubert, D.S. Jo, J. Zhang, R. Buchholz, S. Tilmes, F. Vitt, C. Granier, H.M. Worden, and P.F. Levelt, Disproportionately large impacts of wildland-urban interface fire emissions on global air quality and human health, Science Advances, accepted, 2025.

Peer-reviewed Publications







2018 and earlier